Simple Micro Shrimp: Olive
Recreate fly patterns at home! Materials used in making this fly have been included below. Always keep in mind your local fly-fishing store will most likely have the materials referenced, and typically for less. Materials can also be found at Amazon or any other major on-line resource.
Fly-Tying Materials
- Mustad 34007 Stainless Hook (#6)
- Danville 210 Thread, Nylon, Flat Wax, Olive
- Eyes, Bead Chain, Small, Black
- Craft Fur, Olive
- Sili Legs, Nymph, Olive Barred
- Krystal Flash, Pearl
- EP Foxy Brush, 1.5”, Pale Olive
Design Inspiration & Detail
Captain Jesse originally designed this fly for Bluegill. After experimenting a bit in saltwater, he realized Redfish were all over it. Needless to say the saltwater hook was added to the design shortly after. From its profile, it looks like a solid Bone fly. Most variations of the Simple Micro Shrimp sell at $11.00 for three. For further info on Jesse and a look at more of his fly patterns, see Flies by Backwater Fly Fishing.
Target Species
This particular fly was designed to attract Redfish and Snook – Jacks and many other species will also take the fly.
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