Fly Patterns

Margarita Shrimp

Recreate fly patterns at home! Materials used in making this fly have been included below. Always keep in mind your local fly-fishing store will most likely have the materials referenced, and typically for less. Materials can also be found at Amazon or any other major on-line resource.

Fly-Tying Materials

  • Gamakatsu SC15 Hook (#1/0)
  • Danville 210 Thread, Nylon, Flat Wax, Fluorescent Orange
  • Eyes, Bead Chain, Medium, Black
  • Craft Fur, Brown
  • Sili Legs, Brown/ Gold Flake
  • Legs, rubber, Orange (unidentified – found in a crafts store)
  • Krystal Flash, Pearl
  • Krystal Flash, Tan
  • Krystal Flash Chenille, UV Pearl
  • Krystal Flash Chenille, Tan
  • EP Fibers, Sand
  • Seaguar, Red Label, Fluorocarbon, 40#, Clear (weed guard)

Design Inspiration & Detail

This fly is a deviation and adaptation of a standard “Redfish Kwan”. Captain Jesse used some tying techniques from both crab flies and shrimp flies to create the fly shown above. Originally it was tied in chartreuse (hence the name Margarita) and purple – all of which have landed Jesse some amazing fish. The color combo in the photo is a custom color pattern requested by a recent client. Unfortunately Jesse doesn’t sell this particular pattern, however a list of materials can be referenced above to recreate them. For further info on Jesse and a look at more of his fly patterns, see Flies by Backwater Fly Fishing.

Target Species

Target species would include Redfish, Snook, Tarpon, and many other saltwater species.

Backwater Tarpon Toad: Chartreuse
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Backwater Tarpon Toad: Chartreuse

Simple Micro Shrimp: Olive
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Simple Micro Shrimp: Olive


  1. Capt JD
    September 5, 2019 at 6:46 AM — Reply

    Hey Raj! You definitely fish some nice water up your way. Beautiful thing about Sea Trout (or AKA Seatrout, Spotted Trout, Gator Trout, Speckled Trout, etc.) is the fact they eat just about any fly/ lure that is fleeing. They love the chase! So many of the Tarpon, Redfish, and Snook flies will work for catching Speckled Trout. Tie several of them and give them a try. For the best results, always work with the tides.

  2. Raj
    September 2, 2019 at 11:46 AM — Reply

    Would like to view new flies and how to tie them . Love fly fishing especially in saltwater . Have been fishing in pensacola beach and santa rosa sound . Love the above flies . Need to catch speckled trout wade fishing

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