Fly TyingReviews

Southeastern Flyworks

In preparation for some fly-fishing on the North side of the Dominican Republic, I connected with Capt Randy Rhode, the Owner of North Coast Sportfishing out of Cabrera. After some logistics planning, Capt Randy showed me a few pics of the most amazing pelagic flies – flies tied specifically for blue water fishing. He mentioned his supplier of saltwater flies was located back in the US. After further back and forth, I had to ask who was designing these amazing pelagic creations. Capt Randy happily shared his US supplier was Mack Bryson of Southeastern Flyworks in Albany, GA.

Fortunately I was able to find Mack and uncover his wealth of talent in fly-tying. It goes without saying, I was inspired to share some of his creations. Enjoy some of his great fly patterns below and look for more to come.

Second Fiddle Crab
Bug’s Redfish Tickler: Orange & Tan
Bruiser Baitfish: Gray & White

Mack ties every saltwater pattern available – for a greater selection of stock patterns offered, visit his fly shop at Southeastern Flyworks. If interested in purchasing any of the referenced flies, pricing is included below.


Second Fiddle Crab: $7.00 ea. Purchase Now
Bug’s Redfish Tickler: $7.00 ea. Purchase Now
Bruiser Baitfish: $7.00 ea. Purchase Now

Other Details

If looking for any special fly patterns, please make sure to inquire first. Mack will ship any assortment needed. For specific questions, feel free to connect via his web site Southeastern Flyworks, direct e-mail, or visit his Instagram page.


In-stock flies typically ship within 24 hours.

Mack’s Bio

Mack’s passion for fly fishing and tying flies began over 20 years ago in the basement of a friend’s house in Martinsville, VA. A fascination in duplicating a fly/ bug with synthetic materials so accurately was enough to hook him for life – the fact a fish would feed on an authentic replication was simply over-the-top. His pursuit started with bass, bluegill, and trout in the local lakes and rivers, consuming most of his free time. The pond at his family’s farm became his “playground” and testing facility for new creations from the vise. Often trips to Roanoke, VA to spend time with the folks at Blue Ridge Fly Fishers allowed Mack an ongoing environment for learning fly-tying applications. Mack is also a member of the Squimpish Flies Pro Team, fishing all the latest materials for Squimpish R&D. Over the last few years Mack has continued to fish coastlines in FL from Ponte Vedra down to Tampa. To this day he still says his discoveries in fly-tying and fly-fishing never cease to amaze.

Mack spends a considerable amount of time enjoying his passion (Southeastern Flyworks), traveling, and raising his family in GA. Visit Southeastern Flyworks for more of Mack’s fly-tying creativity and fly-fishing lifestyle.

Second Fiddle Crab
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