Crystal River Shrimp
Recreate fly patterns at home! Materials used in making this fly have been included below. Always keep in mind your local fly-fishing store will most likely have the materials referenced, and typically for less. Materials can also be found at Amazon or any other major on-line resource.
Fly-Tying Materials
- Mustad S71SNP-DT (#1/0)
- Danville 210 Thread, Nylon, Flat Wax, Orange
- Estaz, Medium, Root Beer
- Palmer Chenille, Medium, Sand
- Flashabou, Micro Flash, Gold
- Flashabou, Micro Flash, Copper
- Arctic Fox
- Sili Legs, Orange, Black Flake
- Lead Eyes, Small, Painted, Red
Design Inspiration & Detail
Captain Jesse needed something that would look natural bouncing around the oyster bars in Ozello, FL. The colors on the fly blend in naturally and the flash draws just enough attention when stripped. Most variations of the Crystal River Shrimp sell at $16.00 for three. For further info on Jesse and a look at more of his fly patterns, see Flies by Backwater Fly Fishing.
Target Species
Target fish include Redfish, Snook, and Seatrout. Snapper and many other species eat this one too.
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