Flycycle: Fly-Tying Material Exchange
A not-for-profit re-purposing program created
to exchange surplus fly-tying material
Fly Mastery has received an amount of comments from readers regarding the excess of fly-tying materials at the bench. An excess in relative terms I suppose – not enough to sell, but enough trade or donate to other fly-tying enthusiasts. After some thought, an exchange program came to mind – a program based on donations. Time and time again I’ll see garage sales or ads on Craig’s List showing boxes of fly-tying materials that never seem to sell. Either fly-tying enthusiasts don’t make it around to garage sales or the person selling on Craig’s won’t sell individual pieces from the lot of materials.
How do we fix this? Our solution may just offer everyone the right type and right amount of materials at the right time. If you’re like me, I’ve needed small amounts of odd colors or materials from time to time, but don’t want to go buy a full package of each. As you know, this stuff really starts to add up. It seems like each package costs $3.29, $5.49, $7.95, etc. Looking back at the cost of your inventory will not only shock you, but give your spouse a coronary.
Treehouse Rules
Fly-tying material donations can be mailed to:
- PORTLAND, OR 97217
Use Flycycle as a way to experiment with new fly patterns. Create flies you never thought you could – join our Flycycle program!
As always, feel free to leave your thoughts/ comments below. By collaborating, we may be able to refine this re-purposing program and really make a difference for everyone’s bottom line.
Hi I was wondering if u have some olive craft fur and white and black and have any wide gap hooks in 2 and 4 and any thread in 150 d in olive and black and white and some palmer Chenille in the biggest size in gold and silver and other body matearl if so I’m just starting out in fly tying thank you.
Hey Ben, thanks for the inquiry… The original idea of the exchange was focused on trading materials. We encourage a small donation of materials in exchange for any available new/ different materials we might have. Fly tying is a blast and the color combos for everything you tie are endless. My suggestion is to initially buy some basics (i.e. 2 or 3 colors of the materials needed for the bugs you are tying). This will get a small collection of materials going for you. Once you get established a little, we can definitely trade some stuff! I’ll keep your list on-hand. – Capt JD.