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License-Free Fishing Days in Florida for 2015
01 Jun 2015

Florida License-Free Fishing Days

Many of you may have been waiting for a perfect time to get out and try your hand at fly-fishing. Well, the state of Florida offers several days each year where all of you can fish license-free. In other words, the state of Florida has given you free days to

Capt JD 0
Captain Your Own Fishing Charters
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Obtaining a USCG Captain’s License

Over this past year, I have been asked several times what is involved with obtaining a US Coast Guard (USCG) Captain’s License. After some formal fact-finding and the recollection of my own experiences, I will share some of the basic requirements and offer additional tips on the process. The USCG

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Patagonia Fly-Fishing Dry Pack
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Gear Up: Top 15 Tools for the Fly-Fishing Gear Bag

When heading out to fish minutes, miles, or days away, forgetting your gear bag would be catastrophic. For that matter, forgetting any single item may be catastrophic. Ever been in a remote location with straight blistering sun and forget your sunscreen? How about tucked into the Everglades, hours away from

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Easter Baskets & Bunnies
31 Mar 2015

Easter Baskets & Bunnies

Bunny flies are a necessity in almost every saltwater fly box. Rabbit fur takes most of the credit for the success of the Bunny fly – the soft fur offers some amazing action in the water. Bunnies are typically made by wrapping the main body (hook shank) with “rabbit strips”

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Tarpon: Poon Fly
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2015 Ladies Tarpon Fly Tournament: Islamorada, FL

Tarpon season is ramping up! From January to April each year the tarpon build in the Florida Keys, ultimately reaching peak numbers through June. Florida and its Keys celebrate this time by holding numerous Tarpon fishing tournaments. This year, Florida Keys Outfitters bring us the 2015 Ladies Tarpon Fly Tournament!

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Simms' Solar Sombrero
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Sun Hats: Simms’ Solar Sombrero

WIDE BRIMMED UPF SUN HATS Over this last year, I’ve been in the market for a sun-hat. As typically done when looking for new gear, I start my research with on-line reviews and trips to local shops for a little hands-on assessment. Problem is, playing with it in the local

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Fly-Tying Classes
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Fly-Tying Classes

Come spend some time with Fly Mastery and tie some creative fly patterns for your next fly-fishing trip! Our classes set aside time for learning new techniques, sharing design creativity, and telling fish stories over a good cup of coffee. We welcome kids of all ages and would gladly bring

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Murray's Backcountry Baitfish: Grey
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Flies by Joe Murray

I first connected with Joe Murray over Twitter earlier this month. After exchanging a few fly-tying ideas, he shared with me an image of a unique baitfish fly he tied recently. Joe indicated the baitfish design was an original concept and very effective in South Florida. Fascinated with the fly’s

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