Wired Bendback Charlie: Chartreuse
07 Mar 2018

Fly Fishing Florida: Top 10 Fly Patterns for 2018

2018 Top 10 Saltwater Flies for South Florida and the Keys This is an awfully big topic to cover, for starters. South Florida is the sport fishing capital of the world for a reason. In a relatively small amount of square miles, there are numerous types of environments yielding an

Capt JD 0
13 Jan 2015

Top 10 Fly Patterns for Bonefish

2015 FAVORITES: FLY PATTERNS FOR BONEFISH I’m sure we all agree, Bonefish will take a variety of fly patterns when hungry. If you happen to miss feeding time, well, let’s just say you’ll have to be more crafty with your approach. When Bonefish are more selective, you will need a

Capt JD 0